The First Novel

Season 6, Episode 6: The First Novel
A portrait of Murasaki Shikibu from the late 1500s. Public Domain
A portion of an illustrated scroll of The Tale of Genji. This particular copy is from the 1100s. Public Domain
The back of a 2000 yen note from the Bank of Japan. On the left is Genji Hikaru and peeking from behind a screen on the right is Murasaki Shikibu. Public Domain
A painting of Murasaki Shikibu staring at the moon for inspiration as she pens another chapter. Note that she is wearing purple, a reference to her pseudonym. Public Domain
A landscape portrait, once again featuring the purple-clad Murasaki Shikibu gazing at the moon. Public Domain
Sei Shonagon, author of The Pillow Book, peaks from behind a sliding screen. Public Domain
Sei Shonagon, as imagined by later artist Kikuchi Yosai. Public Domain