Season 6, Episode 20: The Gempei War Part 2: A Reversal of Fortune
Minamoto Yoritomo displays his troops on the eastern side of the Fujigawa river. Mount Fuji is clearly visible in the background. Source: Public Domain
A painting of Taira Koremori, the ill-fated commander who lost the battle of Fujigawa. Source: Public Domain.
A painting of Minamoto Yoritomo, the victor of Fujigawa. Source: Public Domain
Minamoto Yoritomo’s signature, which he would have affixed to correspondences. Source: Public Domain.
A painting of Minamoto Yukiie, whose antics at the battle of Sunomatagawa led to his troops getting slaughtered after the Taira noticed that they were soaking wet. Source: Public Domain
A monument at the alleged site of the battle of Sunomatagawa.
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