A portrait of Emperor Go-Daigo by artist Bunkanbo Koshin. Unlike many of the images we have of famous Japanese leaders, this piece is contemporary: it was painted in 1339, therefore we can surmise that Emperor Go-Daigo probably looked very similar to this. Source: Public Domain
The signature of Emperor Go-Daigo, which would have appeared on official documents. Source: Go-Daigo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A portrait of a samurai believed to be Ashikaga Takauji, artist unknown. Source: Public Domain
A painting by later artist Yoshitoshi of Nitta Yoshisada offering his sword to Amaterasu in exchange for causing the tide to recede. Source: Public Domain
A statue of Kusunoki Masashige which currently sits in front of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Source: David Moore, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
A painting by Yoshitoshi of Hojo Takatoki fighting Tengu (goblin-like creatures). Source: Public Domain
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