A statue of Kusunoki Masashige in Tokyo. Public Domain.
A portrait of Nitta Yoshisada. Public Domain.
A diagram of the Battle of Minatogawa. Kusunoki Masashige’s contingent became completely isolated when Nitta Yoshisada abandoned the western bank to defend the army’s rear from the Hosokawa landing. Source: User:Ash_Crow, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Kusunoki Masashige’s son Masatsura offers his father a saucer of sake in a farewell ritual. Masashige’s retainers weep behind him, knowing that he plans to sacrifice his own life for Emperor Go-Daigo’s cause. Source: Public Domain.
A latter-day depiction of Kusunoki Masashige wearing courtly attire and seated next to a celestial globe. A strong departure from his usual warlike depictions. Public Domain.
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