An illustration of the Siege of Mount Hiei. Note the samurai depicted murdering fleeing priests. Source: Public Domain
A famous painting of Takeda Shingen in his armor. The Takeda Clan were probably the only paramilitary group strong enough to really challenge Nobunaga on their own merits in 1573. Source: Public Domain
A painting depicting the Battle of Mikatagahara, in which the Tokugawa Clan suffered a dramatic and breathtaking defeat. Source: Public Domain
A famous portrait of Tokugawa Ieyasu after the Battle of Mikatagahara. The real Ieyasu was rightly terrified that the Takeda were about to sweep his clan off the map entirely. Source: Public Domain
A portrait of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the last shogun of the Ashikaga Clan. After Oda Noubnaga drove him from the capital, he would never return. Source: Public Domain
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