Season 10, Episode 12: The Imjin War Part 2: Hideyoshi’s Crusade
A painting of Konishi Yukinaga, the ranking leader of the expedition. Yes, those are severed heads under his right foot. Source: Public Domain
A portrait of Kato Kiyomasa, who led his army up the eastern portion of the peninsula all the way to the Manchurian border. Source: Public Domain
A depiction of Ashigaru fighting in the Imjin War, protected from arrows with pavise-style shields. Source: Public Domain
An iron-tipped wooden “cannon arrow” which would be fired from Joseon ships. The considerably heavy payload had little difficulty piercing the hulls of Japanese ships when aimed properly. Source: The user’s homepage, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
An illustration of Admiral Yi Sun-sin’s various battles throughout 1592, which was clearly a very busy year for him. Source: Cpark14, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The deck of a model Panokseon, the most commonly used type of warship utilized by the Korean Navy. Note the cannon placements on the deck and the central tower from which the captain would observe and direct the battle. Source: Public Domain
A reconstruction of the legendary Turtle Ship, complete with covered deck and spiked roof. As none have survived to the present day, this reconstruction is a work of scholarship rather than precision. Source: user:FethFrançais : J’ai pris la photo.English: I took the picture. (GPL or CeCILL), via Wikimedia Commons
An illustration of a Turtle Ship from an old document. Source: I, PHGCOM, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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