Season 11, Episode 7: The Rise of the Qing Dynasty
A portrait of Dorgon, who was never emperor of the Qing, but wielded power behind the throne and was the effective leader of its early successes against the peasant rebellions and the Ming Dynasty. Source: Public Domain
An illustration by Jean-Baptiste Du Halde, a Jesuit living in Qing domains, demonstrating the Emperor’s official court outfit (left) and his more casual everyday clothing (right). Source: Public Domain
A map which illustrates the Qing Conquest of the rump state of the Southern Ming Dynasty. Source: SY, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A second map of the Qing conquest of Southern Ming, this one with arrows, which I find helpful. Source: Sceadugenga, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A portrait of Emperor Kangxi in his official court clothing. Although he blamed himself for the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, Emperor Kangxi would go on to make many contributions to the Qing Dynasty’s longevity and overall success in his lifetime. Source: Public Domain
A painting titled “The Emperor at the Kherlen River,” which illustrates a Qing encampment in Mongol Territory during the Qing-Dzungar Wars in which Emperor Kangxi personally led troops. Source: Public Domain
A map illustrating the army movements during the Qing-Dzungar Wars which saw the eventual fall of the Dzungar Khanate of central Asia. Source: SY, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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