An illustration in a contemporary French magazine which imagined the army of Saigo Takamori as dressing in traditional samurai armor. In reality, they wore European-style uniforms. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of some of the soldiers of the Kumamoto Castle garrison who resisted Saigo Takamori’s siege. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of Kumamoto Castle as it appears in modern times. Source: Nagoya Taro; 名古屋太郎, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A diagram of the battles and movements of Seinan Senso, better known as the Satsuma Rebellion. Source: Hoodinski, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
An artist’s depiction of the Battle of Tabaruzaka, the last significant battle of the conflict. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of the walls and fortifications constructed on Mount Shiroyama to prevent yet another escape by the elusive Saigo Takamori. Source: Public Domain
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