A painting of Choe Je-u, who founded the Donghak religious movement and was later executed. Source: Public Domain
A portrait of the regent Daewongun, who acted as chief executive for the Joseon Kingdom during the reign of his son, King Gojong. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of King Gojong of Joseon in 1884
A pencil portrait of Queen Min, who garnered enough support in 1873 to force Daewongun to retire and took the reins of government herself. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of the Pyeolgigun, “special skills force.” They were trained by Japanese officers in modern warfare tactics and weaponry but their favored status led to considerable discontent among the Joseon Kingdom’s rank-and-file soldiery. Source: Public Domain
A painting depicting the Imo Incident of 1882, in which the Japanese embassy was attacked by discontented elements of the Joseon army. Source: Public Domain
A painting depicting the flight of the Japanese legation during the Imo Incident. They were forced to take to the sea and were rescued later by a British merchant vessel. Source: Public Domain
A photograph of a Korean diplomatic mission to the United States in 1883. Source: Public Domain
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