A latter-day depiction of Ashikaga Tadayoshi, painted by Katsukawa Shuntei. Public Domain.
The “kao” (signature) of Ashikaga Tadayoshi. Public Domain.
A painting (artist unknown) of Muso Soseki, a Zen Buddhist Monk who, due to his friendly relations toward both courts, often served as a go-between for negotiations. Public Domain.
A statue of Kusunoki Masashige in Tokyo. Public Domain.
A portrait of Nitta Yoshisada. Public Domain.
A diagram of the Battle of Minatogawa. Kusunoki Masashige’s contingent became completely isolated when Nitta Yoshisada abandoned the western bank to defend the army’s rear from the Hosokawa landing. Source: User:Ash_Crow, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Kusunoki Masashige’s son Masatsura offers his father a saucer of sake in a farewell ritual. Masashige’s retainers weep behind him, knowing that he plans to sacrifice his own life for Emperor Go-Daigo’s cause. Source: Public Domain.
A latter-day depiction of Kusunoki Masashige wearing courtly attire and seated next to a celestial globe. A strong departure from his usual warlike depictions. Public Domain.
A portrait of a warrior which is believed to be Ashikaga Takauji. Public Domain.
The O-Yoroi (armor) of Ashikaga Takauji, which currently resides at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Public Domain.
A memorial marker commemorating the Battle of Tatarahama, where Ashikaga Takauji set the Kikuchi clan to flight and secured his place on Kyushu. Source: 震天動地, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A view from Itsukushima Shrine at high tide. This was one of Takauji’s stops on his journey to the capital, where he prayed for victory. Longtime pod listeners will remember that this shrine was originally built thanks to the support of Taira Kiyomori. Source: JohnnyOneSpeed, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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